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2024-04-19, 10:32:40
Good to see the site back faster than ever. :)


2024-04-18, 21:09:09
I've upgraded the server...more resources. ;)


2024-04-18, 20:57:10
Now that you mention it...  :D


2024-04-18, 20:47:19
...and, you should notice that the site is much faster.  :o


2024-04-18, 20:31:37
Hey Steve.


2024-04-18, 17:56:10
Re-read the message below...


2024-03-31, 15:22:06
Oh yeah, you need to upgrade the site first...


2024-03-30, 09:54:54
Whoops! I forgot that the SMF install here on OFF is out of date!  :'(


2024-03-30, 09:44:48
 Conga-Rats Steve!  :thumbup:
Me gonna install it here just for the fun of it!  :)


2024-03-29, 22:15:23
Released!  :D

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Author Topic: A little more about the FamilyForum  (Read 5945 times)

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Offline Ken

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A little more about the FamilyForum
« on: July 28, 2006, 09:59:31 AM »
Thanks for checking out the family forum!
I hope you like the idea and that you sign up as a member, the more family members signed up and posting the more fun it will be.
Membership is free and your participation is welcome.

This kind of format is a great way to post stuff that is of current interest to you and perhaps to other family members as well, especially because it gives them the chance to make a direct reply/response to what you put it the threads.

As you probably figured out already I am controlling the membership list very closely and will limit the list of people who can post to the forum, plus keeping parts closed off from the publics view so that only members can see all of the content. All family members are invited to join of course, to see just who 'family' is take a look at the bottom of this post.

Parts of the forum will be open so that anyone can drop by to read the content, but some of it is closed to public view so that only members (family) can get in . Also, only members are able to start and post to topics, that way not just anyone is able to get in and post undesirable content.

Please feel free to let me know if you see anything here that you think needs to be changed or added, one such idea may be a forum category that you would like to see added... all suggestions and comments are welcome.

Thanks... GPa Ken

Who can become a member of Your FamilyForum
The short answer is... You must be a member of our family, or extended family.

The long answer follows:    :bigthumb:

Basically there three reference points;
G-G-Mother Mallie (Mallie Kimbrell)
GrandMa Kay (Kay Kimbrell)
G-Pa Ken (Ken Kimbrell)
If you are related to any one of the three of us then you are eligible to join and have access to all of the member boards and be able to post to Topic's and to start your own Topic if you wish to.
So if you are a child, grandchild, great-grandchild or great-great-grandchild you can sign up. Yes, G-G-GrandMother Mallie dose have g-g-gkids!

Also, if you are a spouse, step-child, niece, nephew, cousin, aunt or uncle who is related to us or one of our descendants then it's almost a sure bet that you are eligible and we encourage you to join in the family fun... basically if you are a member of the Hamrick or Kimbrell families or related in some way then you can join.
If you would like to join but are not sure of whether or not you may be eligible please feel free to send me an email and we will  get it sorted out for you.

Our primary objective with this forum is to draw the family closer together by giving us a common place on the web to meet up with each other and keep each other up to date on family happenings by posting notes, pictures and stories about what's up where we/you are. Our family is spread out across the whole of the USA so we hope this will help us stay close.

The other primary concern we have here on the forum is safety and security for all of the children who will be viewing the content that gets posted here and plus there will be some of them who will be posting as well, so this is why we are holding such tight control over who can become a member.
We want all who are family to feel welcome and safe while here on the forums, so we intend to do everything within our power to keep out the bad folks you sometimes find on the web.

 The main thing is for us to have a little fun and enjoy sharing with each other and be safe.
Enjoy... GPa Ken
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 12:34:55 PM by GPa Ken »
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.