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2024-08-09, 18:19:29
Awww! Poor thing! LOL


2024-08-09, 09:20:52


2024-07-06, 10:33:18


2024-07-06, 06:40:47
Happy Saturday after the 4th of July!


2024-07-04, 20:27:02
Happy Day Off From Work!  :D


2024-06-25, 06:23:12
84... who knew?  laughing7
...2013 was my *magic* year


2024-06-14, 22:09:12
I hope so! LOL


2024-06-14, 21:41:30
My B-Day is forthcoming and maybe it will be far enough along so that I can be a regular Dancing Fool for that day!!! :banana: :2funny:


2024-06-14, 21:38:38
Happy Friday everyone! I'm  SOOO glad to see Friday and not just because it's the weekend, but because it marks one more day in the recovery of my foot!  laughing7


2024-04-19, 10:32:40
Good to see the site back faster than ever. :)

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Our FamilyForum News & Events / Re: Happy B-Day Chris A.!
« Last post by Skhilled on Yesterday at 06:50:50 PM »
Happy Birthday Chris A.! :)
There’s no such thing as a free lunch
I was taught/raised differently and have always stood up for women (and children) and have and will always treat them with respect!

I agree.  :)
Our FamilyForum News & Events / Happy B-Day Chris A.!
« Last post by Ken on October 09, 2024, 12:44:50 AM »
Happy Birthday Chris A.!!!

Chris A.
We hope you have a great Birthday and get all that you wish for and most of all we hope you get lots of love for this day and throughout the year.  :bigthumb:

Here's a little cake for ya.

Chit Chat & Humor / Re: D's & R's can collide here without serous pain being inflicted.
« Last post by Ken on October 08, 2024, 09:59:40 PM »
Amen to that!  :thumbup:
You'd be surprised how stupid people are. I worked in a kitchen cabinet making factory for 20 years around a lot of racist people. When they found out I could cook, I would get remarks like "Only women cook" or "Men don't cook". Then I would ask them "Do you know who Emeril Lagasse is"? And they would reply things like, "Well that's different". Um, male chefs are men who loved cooking and made a career out of it...Hello! Read your history books. Women, until  last maybe 30-40 years, weren't allowed to own restaurants, etc. and only could food in their own homes. They were actually forced and taught to only cook at home for their husbands and children. There were no "waiters" except maybe in France. Foodnetwork did a lot to help change that.  :) These falsehoods are still taught because that's what their parents and grandparents were taught...and is supposed to be the life they should have. :(

I was taught/raised differently and have always stood up for women (and children) and have and will always treat them with respect! That's what I teach my younger ones and everyone else!  :thumbup:
I just saw something about this topic on the news this morning.

How stupid can people get?

Our education system is failing miserably.  :P

This guy always does a good job with his videos.  :)
Chit Chat & Humor / Re: D's & R's can collide here without serous pain being inflicted.
« Last post by Ken on October 08, 2024, 06:39:58 AM »
Their controlling the weather
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