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Our FamilyForum Welcome Center => Our FamilyForum News & Events => Topic started by: Chris A. on January 14, 2007, 07:35:51 PM

Title: New Hair-Do
Post by: Chris A. on January 14, 2007, 07:35:51 PM
 :afro: Is it just me, or is everyone changing their hair? my bother would never get his har cut short like mine, but yesterday he agreed to getting it cut short like mine :yahoo:...lol. I too got a hair cut, making me look extremely sexy, haha. and tiff, got her hair cut too! but i wont take the spotlight from her, ill let her tell you what it looks like.... but if u ask me, and ive already told her this, but she looks like a country-western singer...lol :laughingsmiley:
Title: Re: New Hair-Do
Post by: Tiffyrose102 on January 17, 2007, 02:28:37 PM
 Its brown and I got sick of straightening it so I've been leaving it curly... Its fun! But I keep getting blonde roots and that annoying cause it mixes with the brown and makes me look like I have gray hair.... not that gray is bad or anything :giggles:
Title: Re: New Hair-Do
Post by: Ken on January 17, 2007, 03:19:53 PM
not that gray is bad or anything :giggles:

ALRIGHT Tiff... what the heck you saying about gray hair??? :chair:

j/k.... uno i luv ya....  :girlfight: