Forum > Mallie's Corner

[Update] Mallie Has Moved!

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News Update:

Mom continues to like the Conestoga View facility, telling me that they treat her very well and that she likes to food. She has also been doing some physical therapy and says that she is walking better.  :bigthumb:

There may be one issue though... seems that some of her mail has being opened before she gets it, so if you are sending any cash or checks you might want to consider sending them to Yvonne instead. This may turn out to not be a big deal, on the other hand there's no need to take chances.

More later... Ken


--- Quote from: Ken on April 23, 2010, 08:24:26 PM ---News Update:

Mom continues to like the Conestoga View facility, telling me that they treat her very well and that she likes to food. She has also been doing some physical therapy and says that she is walking better.  :bigthumb:

--- End quote ---

That is great news! She'll be outpacing everyone before you know it. :)

--- Quote from: Ken on April 23, 2010, 08:24:26 PM ---There may be one issue though... seems that some of her mail has being opened before she gets it, so if you are sending any cash or checks you might want to consider sending them to Yvonne instead. This may turn out to not be a big deal, on the other hand there's no need to take chances.

More later... Ken

--- End quote ---

Yeah, that is something that needs to be watched. It happens more often than you'd think.

Just got an email from Yvonne updating Mom's status and she wanted this message passed on to the family.

--- Quote ---Mom's Message:
Mom said that she loves all her children and grandchildren and all her friends too. Ken would you make sure all family and friends gets Mom's message for that is what she wants.
Mom asked, please do not send anymore flowers because she doesn't have anywhere to put them in her room. (She does have a place on the wall above the headboard of her bed for greeting cards for the holidays. It will hold about 50+ cards. It looks like two Slinky's stretched in a short space along the wall in which we can slip the cards into. She also said that she has all the clothes she needs. She said she has enough to last her the rest of her life.
--- End quote ---


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