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2024-08-09, 18:19:29
Awww! Poor thing! LOL


2024-08-09, 09:20:52


2024-07-06, 10:33:18


2024-07-06, 06:40:47
Happy Saturday after the 4th of July!


2024-07-04, 20:27:02
Happy Day Off From Work!  :D


2024-06-25, 06:23:12
84... who knew?  laughing7
...2013 was my *magic* year


2024-06-14, 22:09:12
I hope so! LOL


2024-06-14, 21:41:30
My B-Day is forthcoming and maybe it will be far enough along so that I can be a regular Dancing Fool for that day!!! :banana: :2funny:


2024-06-14, 21:38:38
Happy Friday everyone! I'm  SOOO glad to see Friday and not just because it's the weekend, but because it marks one more day in the recovery of my foot!  laughing7


2024-04-19, 10:32:40
Good to see the site back faster than ever. :)

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Food & Recipes / Whipped Caramel Apple Cake
« Last post by Skhilled on September 12, 2024, 07:37:59 PM »
This is right up my alley!!! I have all of the ingredients except for the apple pie spice (which is easy to duplicate) and the apple sauce. I always try to keep some Boiled Apple Cider on hand. It's great for a lot of things! 😁

Here's the Whipped Caramel Apple Cake:


Here's the Whipped Caramel Frosting:


Here's the Vermont Boiled Cider - That's damn good stuff!!! I try to keep a bottle of it on hand to put on pancakes, etc. or to add a bit of apple to pan sauces, etc.:


Or...you can make it yourself:

Chit Chat & Humor / Re: Daily Inspirations
« Last post by Skhilled on September 11, 2024, 07:43:03 PM »
A person without imagination is like a teabag without hot water.

~ Alan Fletcher

Chit Chat & Humor / Re: Daily Inspirations
« Last post by Skhilled on September 11, 2024, 07:42:26 PM »
Healing begins where the wound was made.

~ Alice Walker

Amen! Thank you, Jesus!!!

Chit Chat & Humor / Re: D's & R's can collide here without serous pain being inflicted.
« Last post by Skhilled on September 11, 2024, 06:15:48 PM »
OMG! I didn't watch it and didn't want to watch it because I knew it would be a circus...to put it mildly. But Christina sent me a meme about it earlier today.
Chit Chat & Humor / Re: D's & R's can collide here without serous pain being inflicted.
« Last post by Ken on September 11, 2024, 01:41:54 PM »
They’re eating cats and dogs
Computers & Internet / Re: 2 Security Chats
« Last post by Skhilled on September 10, 2024, 09:11:33 PM »
I don't blame you but time will tell... All you can do is test and watch for the users' reactions like I do.
Computers & Internet / Re: Telegram Changes Its Tone
« Last post by Skhilled on September 10, 2024, 09:10:11 PM »
I started using Signal instead and have been trying to convince other to do the same:


However, there are other I'd like to try as well and will keep you posted. :)
Computers & Internet / Re: Stop Your Android From SPYING On You!
« Last post by Skhilled on September 10, 2024, 09:08:12 PM »
I still use it when I don't need those options but I turn it back on when I need them. ;)
Computers & Internet / Re: 2 Security Chats
« Last post by Ken on September 10, 2024, 08:49:18 AM »
Being the suspicious person that I am, I always think that all these apps have backdoors built into them so that they can access/harvest your info.
Computers & Internet / Re: Telegram Changes Its Tone
« Last post by Ken on September 10, 2024, 08:43:33 AM »
This could be a good thing, but with all the 'social media' platforms out there, I don't see how they will ever get the Genie back in the bottle.
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