What Goes Around Comes Around!... remember that old saying? Well about now I feeling like total crap and that old phrase is floating around in my head. 
So, here's the story:
Went in to see my oncologist, Dr Heather on Tuesday and as expected we decided to cancel any radiation treatments for now and that's great, but we also decided to increase my chemo drug Votrient to 800mg per day.
This Post from back in December, 2017 you can see where I first went on the drug treatment and she had started me on 800mg per day because that's the recommended dosage level, but it turned out that my body simply could not tolerate that level so she dropped me down to 400mg per day. That level worked to keep the cancer in check and although the side effects very troublesome, they were not unbearable so everything went along smoothly for a while.
Now fast forward to December, 2020 and
A New Scan showed that one of the nodules in my lung had doubled in size and as part of the series of events that followed Dr Heather bumped my dosage level up to 600mg per day and that seemed to work just fine and not only did that dosage hold the cancer in check it didn't seem to change any of my side effects.
So... during this last visit on Tuesday we're talking about the scans and not doing the radiation and the fact that my side effects on the 600mg didn't seem to be that different than what I had been having on the 400mg and how maybe I should go back on the 800mg dosage level.
So like I was saying, I'm sitting here at 2:30AM feeling like total crap and wishing that I could just please go to sleep already.