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2024-07-06, 10:33:18


2024-07-06, 06:40:47
Happy Saturday after the 4th of July!


2024-07-04, 20:27:02
Happy Day Off From Work!  :D


2024-06-25, 06:23:12
84... who knew?  laughing7
...2013 was my *magic* year


2024-06-14, 22:09:12
I hope so! LOL


2024-06-14, 21:41:30
My B-Day is forthcoming and maybe it will be far enough along so that I can be a regular Dancing Fool for that day!!! :banana: :2funny:


2024-06-14, 21:38:38
Happy Friday everyone! I'm  SOOO glad to see Friday and not just because it's the weekend, but because it marks one more day in the recovery of my foot!  laughing7


2024-04-19, 10:32:40
Good to see the site back faster than ever. :)


2024-04-18, 21:09:09
I've upgraded the server...more resources. ;)


2024-04-18, 20:57:10
Now that you mention it...  :D

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Seasick Steve - Clock Is Running [Official Video]
Food & Recipes / Re: Egg and Potato Chip Tortilla
« Last post by Ken on Yesterday at 07:28:19 AM »
I didn't notice anything like that, for me it acted just like FF.
Food & Recipes / Re: Egg and Potato Chip Tortilla
« Last post by Skhilled on July 25, 2024, 09:08:03 PM »
LOL! The only thing that I don't like, so far, is that if you try to open a link in another tab it does open and also in another window! The default setting is that it should only open in another tab, and another window as well.

The problem with this is that you will have multiple windows open and if you close the wrong one you will lose your saved session. So, you need to be careful when closing tabs as they will also close the session with it. If it is not the last window open that you want it to save your session then you may lose your session...
Food & Recipes / Re: Egg and Potato Chip Tortilla
« Last post by Ken on July 25, 2024, 08:41:02 PM »

I posted this using LibreWolf. :)

I replied using LibreWolf!  :hah!:
Food & Recipes / Egg and Potato Chip Tortilla
« Last post by Skhilled on July 24, 2024, 10:17:23 PM »
Looks easy and yummy. Although, it may be a bit salty with the potato and ham. I think some cheese would add great flavor but then it would and more sodium to it.  :P


I posted this using LibreWolf. :)

It just shows how much try would rather NOT vote for Trump.
Yes, record amounts of money.

Wish I could do that.  ;D

"Hey, if you like me send me some money!"
So... they send her a hundred million dollars!  :hah!:

Actually, I don't have a bunch of money laying around, but if I did she would get some for sure.
Yes, record amounts of money.

Wish I could do that.  ;D
He endorsed her already but there are otherying for the spot. From what I've read yesterday, most of the top Dems are supporting her and she has raised a lot of money for it already!
I'm not too sure about how it will taste but am still rather curious. :)
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