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2024-04-19, 10:32:40
Good to see the site back faster than ever. :)


2024-04-18, 21:09:09
I've upgraded the server...more resources. ;)


2024-04-18, 20:57:10
Now that you mention it...  :D


2024-04-18, 20:47:19
...and, you should notice that the site is much faster.  :o


2024-04-18, 20:31:37
Hey Steve.


2024-04-18, 17:56:10
Re-read the message below...


2024-03-31, 15:22:06
Oh yeah, you need to upgrade the site first...


2024-03-30, 09:54:54
Whoops! I forgot that the SMF install here on OFF is out of date!  :'(


2024-03-30, 09:44:48
 Conga-Rats Steve!  :thumbup:
Me gonna install it here just for the fun of it!  :)


2024-03-29, 22:15:23
Released!  :D

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Author Topic: Group #3, College/University, Essay Contest Posting Area.. The Polls are Open!!!  (Read 3552 times)

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Offline Ken

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Please Read Here Before Voting.

We have one entry in this group, 'Whitney' and her Essay Contest entry is listed below.

She is the winner of course. :D

Even though Whitney has no competition in this contest Group #3 and is the automatic winner of the First Prize ($50) for her group I still think it would be a nice touch to have the poll anyway to show our support and appreciation for the fine job that she did with her entry.
I would also encourage you to click on the reply button and post your thoughts about her Essay.
Voting is really simple in this poll, if you look up above this post you can see the poll with Whitney?s entry listed and all you do is just click in the circle in front of her name to make the green dot appear in the circle and then click on the Submit Vote button.

Please be sure to vote in the other poll for the Group #2 (7-12), go HERE to see their essays and the poll.
... the other poll is a completly different poll for Group #2, with it's own contestants and prize fund.


*Who can vote???
Any registered member of Your FamilyForum can vote in the polls and we hope that each and every one of you do so. If you have not yet joined our membership ranks you can still vote as long as you are registered and logged in before the contest voting deadline, 09/23/2006.
Ps: Contestants? you can vote too!

*Who CANNOT vote???
GrandMa Kay and me (G-Pa Ken) because we are the judges if the need arises for some kind of judicial action, like a tie-breaker. Also, the account that I use for test purposes cannot vote. (Jake)

*Will the other members know who I voted for???
Only if you tell them, the system is designed so that your name is not published, it is also designed so that you cannot vote again after your vote has been Submitted.

*What will the prize be???
First place will be; $50.00

This is the Topic where you can post your Essay if you are in Group #3, College/University.

When you are ready to post your entry just come to this thread, sign in, (or register) and click on the Reply button then type, or paste your entry into the message field.
If you need a little help on how to 'reply' you can find a how-to HERE.

Remember that you can include up to two pictures as part of your essay if you wish to, just click on Additional Options and then in the Attach field put in the location of the picture or pictures you want to attach. The picture can be uploaded from your PC, or from an internet location. (no flash objects please, they will be removed)

Have fun & Enjoy!
If you have problems of any kind please email, or call me so that we can get it sorted out... Thanks, g-pa ken
« Last Edit: September 22, 2006, 05:26:29 PM by G-Pa Ken »
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

Offline Whitney

Re: Group #3, College/University, Essay Contest Posting Area
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2006, 12:15:35 AM »
     Class of 2006 graduation, this could only mean one thing in the Kimbrell family "Senior Trip". Lindsay my younger sister decided that New York would be a good choice considering she would be attending school there in the fall.
       We were on our way all five of us flying across country to see this famous place they call "New York". We arrived some eight hours later, tired and ready to get off the plane with my sisters we had arrived! NYC, I must admit that I was excited we got in a van and headed to our hotel the BelClair. Passing all the lights and hustle and bustle of the city was exciting. I was in for a lets say more than interesting week.
      The first full day was full of sight seeing walking (and I mean walking 10 - 12 blocks at a time) all around town. We visited the Trump Towers, Central Park, but more importantly Lindsay's school, AMDA. This was something that I would need to get used to, let us just say it was nothing like the university I am attending. Her school was smack dab in the middle of the city, walking would become her new best friend. The dorms were something that I give her more power for trying to adapt to, (Lets just say they were very, very small). After the tour that night, we saw the Broadway musical "The Color Purple". Which I would have to say was very good, and surprisingly funny. The next couple of days included a lot more sight seeing and a lot of unnecessary rain. We rode the big red tour buses. We saw another Musical named the "Spelling Bee", which was my favorite it was full of laughs and audience involvement. I cannot forget my all time favorite part of the trip which was the shopping, although there was not a lot of it (due to lack of funds, I am a college student) there was some good buys especially in China Town.
       As the trip wound down to a close, we took one final journey to Pennsylvania, to visit some long lost family members. We of course visited Grandpa James, Great-Grandmother Mallie and Aunt Yvonne and her Husband. This was some catching up that was long over due. We all chatted and talked about my Dad's crazy childhood. We also went to dinner and had an ok dinner (not as good as Olive Garden). The dinner was followed by a lovely serenade (ha, ha), and a great breakfast the following day! Our trip ended then and there and it was off to the airport to the good old west coast, Washington.
       Overall, I would say the trip was a success, although you will not see me traveling to the east coast for a long time. I think it is official that I am a West Coast kind of girl!

Offline angela kimbrell

Re: Group #3, College/University, Essay Contest Posting Area
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2006, 08:59:27 PM »
That was a wonderful story Whitney, I enjoyed it a lot. it sounds like you had a good time on the trip and that you got to see some interesting places.

I know that you are very intelligent because you have decided not to go back to New York and I wish Lindsay all the good luck in the world while she is going to school there.
I?ve seen enough of New York on TV to know that I never want to go there in the first place. :)
Love you, Angie

Offline Mallie

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Re: Group #3, College/University, Essay Contest Posting Area
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2006, 08:15:53 PM »
Whitney:  This is a very interesting story.  Thanks for letting us have the pleasure of reading it.  G. Grandmother Mallie