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Title: Keyless Car Theft
Post by: Ken on March 30, 2019, 12:04:18 PM
Not having to take your key out of your pocket may be nice, but it has its downside:
... Kay and me gotta watch this on her car!

Keyless car theft is increasing
Sean O'Grady, the Independent. (https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/motoring/keyless-car-theft-models-most-stolen-and-recovered-2018-a8798291.html)
Analysis of 2018 theft activity by Tracker, a car security company, suggests that the threat of “keyless” car theft is increasing – including “relay attacks”.

These occur where the car owner has locked a “keyless” car (one that can be unlocked when it senses the key fob is nearby, and which will then start on a button). Tracker data reveals that 88 per cent of stolen vehicles fitted with one of its devices, were taken without using the owner’s keys. That represents another rise from the 80 per cent stolen by this method in 2017, up from 66 per cent in 2016, partly mirroring the increasing application of this technology, especially in high-end models.

Also, this from the BBC (https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47721590):
How keyless theft works:

Keyless car entry systems let drivers open and start their cars without taking their key out of their pocket.

Thieves, normally working in pairs, will target a car parked outside a house.

One criminal will hold a device close to the car that boosts the signal meant for the key, while the other thief will stand close to the house with another device that relays that signal to the key, fooling the system.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/03/30/jAvk3.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/jAvk3)
Title: Re: Keyless Car Theft
Post by: Skhilled on April 01, 2019, 09:23:24 AM
Yes, I've read about this some time ago.