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84... who knew?  laughing7
...2013 was my *magic* year


2024-06-14, 22:09:12
I hope so! LOL


2024-06-14, 21:41:30
My B-Day is forthcoming and maybe it will be far enough along so that I can be a regular Dancing Fool for that day!!! :banana: :2funny:


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Happy Friday everyone! I'm  SOOO glad to see Friday and not just because it's the weekend, but because it marks one more day in the recovery of my foot!  laughing7


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Good to see the site back faster than ever. :)


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Now that you mention it...  :D

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Author Topic: My Story Remembered.  (Read 14793 times)

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Offline Ken (OP)

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My Story Remembered.
« on: March 23, 2019, 04:31:04 PM »
NOTE: ... as long as this RED text is displayed it means that I'm still working on this page and there will be more content to come! :heart:
3/30/19, 5:00 PM; updated this OP to sync it with the Index Article of this story(s).

My Story Remembered... Ken Kimbrell
Your comments are welcome and you can do that at the bottom of this page and any other page in this series.

During a chat with My Children the subject of putting some of my life's remembrances into written form came up. This outline will serve as a starting point to see if I am able to work up too some actual writing. Perhaps this will also be a benefit to the memory issues that I've experienced in recent times.
You can find additional commentary in this Topic.
March 24, 2019:
This index style page will be, for the most part, a simple outline for the possible chapter titles and some amount of subtext for what a chapters content might be.  A 'Comments' section is located at the bottom of each page and they are open so that Family and Friends can join in with the stories that many of you will find familiar and may find yourselves included in. And, if you think of any stories that you would like to see included please post a comment and I'll try to put it in a chapter. You can also send me a PM or a text if you would rather use some other way to let me about your thoughts.

BTW this will not be some ˜tell all" that tries to dig up lots of family skeleton's and dirty laundry, rather it will include tales of some of the interesting and fun episodes of our Families life and times.
... when chapter content gets added the chapter's title will become an active link and can take you to that page.

    June 24, 1940
    The early years... page 1
    WWII, Joe Hamrick, Cotton Farmers, Phil, Peaches, Pool Shooting & Beer Drinking, Pulp Wood, Being Poor
    The early years... page 2
    Bring Me Back The Change, Pool Shooting & Beer Drinking!, Pulp Wood

    The US Navy
    Boot Camp, Cook Striker, A School, California, 30lbs-in-30 Days, The Orient, Marriage, First Born Son

    The Adventures of the early 60s
  Motorcycles, Cars, Rockets, Nukes, Need For Speed and the CA State Prison!

     And The 70's
    Welding and Business and Shipyards plus The Pharaohs Four MC

    Grand Jury Duty
    The tale of my brief stint as the grand jury foreman of the Desoto County, FL  and the case that we sat on.
    The Story

    Bits & Pieces from over the Decades
    Lots of little snippets from all over the place, like; Bad Dreams and Nightmares,
« Last Edit: July 17, 2023, 07:17:44 PM by Ken »
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

Offline Skhilled

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2019, 07:16:03 AM »
Something is not working right on the Wordpress. I've been there a few minutes and it still says:

Transferring data from us-east-sync.bidswitch.net...

I believe it has something to do with the ad at the top of the page. There's no text with it and the page just keeps loading and loading...

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2019, 08:38:32 AM »
I love the TinyPortal Article System and that should have been my first choice.  :-[

WordPress was just not giving me what I needed for the page layout and structure that I envisioned for this project. TP articles gives me exactly the right tools so that my chapter outline page can be the anchor page with links to the various stories embedded in the chapter titles and also any other layout ideas that might be desired or come up. The link in the OP has been corrected and points to the article now.
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

Offline Skhilled

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2019, 09:42:54 AM »
But did you find out what was wrong with WP? I saw there were ads and think that may have been causing the problem I saw.

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2019, 10:52:09 AM »
The WP pages are displaying OK for me and I don't find anything wrong with them, need to try without being logged in to see what happens.

What browser are you using?

EDIT: just tried Chrome while not logged in and the pages are displaying OK for me.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 10:58:21 AM by Ken »
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2019, 03:42:49 PM »
But did you find out what was wrong with WP? I saw there were ads and think that may have been causing the problem I saw.

BTW... those ads are there because they want you to buy upgrades for $36 per year.
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

Offline Skhilled

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2019, 10:43:18 AM »
I'm using FF and why didn't you just install WP for free on the server? I'll bet you used wordpress.com which is a paid web hosting service. Go to wordpress.org for just the software, themes, mods, etc. like smf. ;)

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2019, 11:55:00 AM »
I'm using FF and why didn't you just install WP for free on the server? I'll bet you used wordpress.com which is a paid web hosting service. Go to wordpress.org for just the software, themes, mods, etc. like smf. ;)

I've tried installing WP to a database on the OFF servers before, (familyforum/wordpress.org, or some address like that) and it works OK, but it's still the WP format and doesn't give me what I'm trying to do in this case. The TP article system gets me to where I want to be, giving me an 'index' page where other sub-pages are listed and can be linked to. Those sub-pages will be like chapters in a book, although this is not intended to be like an actual book, but just a collection of short stories that usually only go on for a paragraph or two and sometimes for a few more.

One note about the type of article to be used. At first I tried using an HTML article, but that caused some issues with formatting and editing. Seems that once a piece of text was saved to the article the editor didn't want me to relocate that text. So, say you had written a sentence in after a paragraph but later decided to cut and paste it into the middle of that previous paragraph the editor would ignore your commands to do so meaning that after you made the c&p and did a save the article would revert to the original position of that sentence.  :censored:

My solution was the change my article type to BBC articles which gives me the ability to chop up sentences and paragraphs to my hearts content!  :banana:
There's no real loss in features or functionality, but there is a little more freedom to do whatever pleases me.

I may do as you advise with WP later, just not for this project.
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2019, 08:21:24 AM »
I was asking cause I was wondering if there was a problem with the server or you may have needed something installed for it.

Yes, BBC will work much better for content like yours. HTML works best for design and looks.

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2019, 05:08:38 PM »
Updated this Topic's OP.
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2019, 03:24:48 AM »
The first completed page of stories has been published.
June 24, 1940  The Early Years... page 1
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2019, 09:06:00 AM »
I commented on it. ;)

Looking at how long it is and after reading it made me wish there was a "Go Up" link at the bottom of the page. Might be something that could be added to TP. ;)

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2019, 09:59:07 AM »
I commented on it. ;)

Looking at how long it is and after reading it made me wish there was a "Go Up" link at the bottom of the page. Might be something that could be added to TP. ;)

I'll check into that.
Would it be helpful if it was broken into more pages, with links?
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2019, 10:03:08 AM »
Not necessarily...it just made me think that some pages (no matter who writes them) could be pretty long and that would be something that would be more user-friendly.

Offline Ken (OP)

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Re: My Story Remembered.
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2019, 11:07:27 PM »
'Back to Top' link installed on article pages!  :thumbup:
Thanks to Mick for the code to make it happen.

You beat me to it @rjen Yes Ken you can just dump this on your page after the content, or  where you want it to appear.  You don't need bbc tags, just dump it in.
I was going to suggest this

Code: [Select]
<a href='#top'>Back to Top</a>
Or if you want a image,

Code: [Select]
<a href='#top'><img src="exampleimage.jpg"></img></a>
"Not all who wander are lost."-Tolkien
Yesterday When I was Young.